Physical Education
At Thurcroft Infant School, school sport and physical education is valued highly for and by all the children. It is our intention to give the children aspirations, teach them to be resilient and understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle. In order to keep our children healthy in and around school, a variety of sports and opportunities to be active are available for children to participate in.
It is important to us that the children’s health and well-being is supported through good quality Physical education in targeted lessons and also in the classroom. Children are also exposed to sporting role-models and dances from other cultures to develop their aspirations and understanding of the world around them. We endeavour to teach our children to be resilient through Physical Education and encourage them to keep trying in order to master a skill, celebrating they achieve their goal. We understand that all children have different abilities and adapt our teaching to ensure that all children can feel proud of their ability and are able to challenge themselves.
Sports Day 2023
From Foundation 2 to Year 2 all children take part in regular P.E sessions. In Foundation 2 the children take part in 1 session per week led by Live and Learn Sport, during which children develop their physical skills and knowledge of team games. Further outdoor and indoor sessions are delivered throughout the week by the class teachers. Their physical development, improving both their fine and gross motor skills, is also supported by daily activities within the classroom and outdoor areas. Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2) have 1 session per week delivered by Live and Learn Sport, during which they learn new skills which are then applied within a variety of sporting games. A second session which may be games, skills, gymnastics or movement and dance is delivered by the class teacher.
Year 1 representing school at the Wales High School
Rounders Tournament
KS1 representing school at the Wales High Multi-skills event
After school clubs are offered to the children where they learn a variety of skills for example, Tennis, Football, Trampolining, Dance and Gymnastics. These activities are delivered by Live and Learn Sports and other providers. Children also have many opportunities to represent the school against other local primaries within the James Montgomery Trust and the Wales Cluster in a range of different sports. Some of these include Matball, Ten Base Rounders and The annual Dance Festival. We promote an active playground led by our Play Leader in which all children are encouraged to participate in a wide variety of games and activities. Within our topics we make links to Physical Education for example, learning dances from different countries and cultures to help inspire a love of the arts. Sporting Visits are also planned such as a trip to the English Institute of Sport.
We also promote healthy lifestyles in school using our Healthy Living Workshop days in which parents are invited into school to join their children and learn about lots of ways to keep healthy in a fun and interactive way.
We encourage the children to perform the skills they have learnt during lessons for each other and will also evaluate their peers work.
The following links may be useful:
Kids Health – All about the body and staying healthy
Lets Move – A website about staying healthy and being active.
Kids In Action – Useful ideas for children and adults on staying active.
Sports Illustrated Magazine – Online magazine about current sporting events. – Website with healthy recipes and activities for the whole family.
Sports Premium
Sports Experience Day 2021 -22
Sports Experience Day 2022-23
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