At Thurcroft Infant school we believe that Music in school will engage and inspire pupils to develop a life-long love of music, raise aspirations and give children the opportunity to explore the world beyond their immediate environment. Through their musical experiences we intend for children to develop their reading skills by their learning of new vocabulary and rhythmic language. Through the teaching and learning of Music our intention is for children to explore, collaborate and develop their talent as both singers and musicians. This in turn will increase their self-confidence, well-being, creativity and sense of achievement.
At Thurcroft Infant school we are currently building our own bespoke music scheme based on the guiding principles of the Model Music Curriculum for Key Stage 1, and in line with the National Curriculum. Each term has an overriding aspirational focus – I am a Singer, I am a Composer and I am a Musician. Across school music is implemented through weekly lessons which allow children to learn, practise and consolidate musical skills. The teaching of music at Thurcroft ensures that children listen, appraise, sing, play both untuned and tuned instruments, perform and evaluate their own learning. This takes place through classroom teaching as well as weekly singing assemblies, celebration assemblies and performances.
Musicians are welcomed in to school to perform for our children and this in turn inspires them and raises their aspirations.
Music in Year 1
Music in Year 2
Thurcroft Junior School Choir visit 2023 Samba Bamba 2023​
Wales High School Musician visit
Music events 2022-23
23rd and24th May 2022 Conductive music workshops for KS1
7TH July 2022 visit from Wales High music students performing for FS and KS1
19th October Harvest assembly where each class performed for the rest of the school
7th/8th December Christmas concerts performed to parents/carers F2 and KS1
12TH December F1 Christmas performances for parents/carers
1st March Visit from Thurcroft Junior Academy choir who performed for FS2/KS1
16TH March Concerteenies performed a musical story for FS2
25TH May Samba Bamba workshops for KS1
28th June One Voice performance at Magna of KS1 singing club
10th July Y2 children visited Thurcroft Junior Academy to watch them perform their musical Olivia!
Music after school clubs run by Rotherham Music Service - Autumn 2, Spring 2, Summer term (KS1)
Weekly singing assemblies led by Rotherham Music service for KS1.
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