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Our Geography curriculum at Thurcroft Infant School, inspires a curiosity and fascination within our children about the world around them. The children will learn about their local environment, community as well as the wider world around them. Geography is taught through topics that aim to inspire and develop children’s natural curiosity. We want children to develop skills in recognising, describing, explaining, comparing and evaluating human and physical geographical elements and are taught and encouraged to used subject specific language and geographical terminology when discussing their learning. The children can use sources of geographical information such as: maps, atlases, globes, diagrams and aerial photographs and interpret these. Children have access to a range if resources to aid their learning, including relevant literature, and guest speakers to raise children’s aspirations.

The curriculum is designed to develop knowledge and skills that are progressive as well as transferable throughout their time at Thurcroft Infant School and beyond.

Our Local Environment

London (Capital City study)

Latest Work

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