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At Thurcroft Infant school reading is at the heart of our curriculum. By working in partnership with parents we aim to create confident, independent, fluent readers, who read for both meaning and pleasure. We know that reading books exposes children to a wider and richer use and understanding of vocabulary. This also increases their general knowledge to enable them to make sense of the world in which they live. We believe that reading for pleasure is the single biggest factor in achieving success and we strive to spark a genuine love for reading in all children.

What reading looks like across the Year groups

Foundation 2 children have a shared read, two guided read sessions and an individual read each week. The shared read exposes 

the children to the book that they are reading that week, this book is inline with the My Letters and Sounds Phonic scheme used across school and these books are decodable for them. The book allows the children to meet sounds taught during previous phonic sessions and allows children to practise blending words containing these sounds, reading the same book allows them to increase fluency and understanding.

In Year 1 children have three guided read sessions each week. The books read are inline with the My Letters and Sounds Phonic scheme and allows children to meet previously taught sounds and these books are decodable for them, reading the same book allows children to increase their fluency and understanding. Comprehension questions are also asked after reading the book, along with vocabulary checks and general book discussions. Once children become more confident and fluent readers they will be exposed to some written comprehensions which match their word reading ability.

In Year 2 children that could read at an expected level in Year 1 are now accessing age appropriate rich texts in guided reading sessions.   These children have three guided reading sessions each week, these sessions focus on  word reading, fluency, expression and comprehension. In Year 2 children access more written comprehensions including more focus on inference and the skills needed to find answers within a range of texts.

Children in Year 2 that didn't reach the expected reading level in Year 1 will be supported to ensure that accelerated progress is made, this includes reading the books from the My Letters and Sounds Phonic scheme focussing on the gaps in their learning made from teacher assessment. Some children may receive reading interventions in order to improve their phonics/reading in Year 2.  All children in Year 2 have 2 whole class reading sessions each week where the focus is on prosody and comprehension.

What's in our book bags?

Every child in Foundation 2 up to Year 2 will be given a home/school diary. The home/school diary is where home and school reads are recorded, it also contains lots more useful information. 

Children in Foundation and Year 1 will have a fully decodable phonic book (this will have a yellow sticker) this book will contain sounds that your child has been learning in phonic lessons. Some children in Year 2 may have a phonic book if they require it. Children will also have a sharing book with a white sticker book (this is a book children can share with a grown up but will not be fully decodable). Year 2 children will have a book banded book as mentioned above.

All children will have a book chosen by themselves from our very own school library which the children will visit each week with their class.

Children may also have a book swap book - if they take part and a book from our floating book shelf. WOW that's a lot of books!

Reading at home/Reading rewards

Children are encouraged to read at home at least three times per week and record this in their home school diary. In the Foundation Stage and KS1 children receive an award from the Head Teacher for reading for three times a week for ten weeks and and book worms are given to children who read three times a week.

Reading for Pleasure

  • High quality and inspiring reading areas can be found in all classrooms and outdoor areas.

  • Children have regular visits to our very own school library and links have been made with Thurcroft library to encourage children to become members and visit.

  • Staff have promoted their favourite books on the ‘floating bookshelf’ in the reception area, children can borrow these books. Quality books can be found in each classroom based around our topics, these are loaned from the school library service and children love seeing the books that we are sent each half term.

  • Book swap is available for children to bring in books from home to swap for another in the book boxes situated in the reception area or look out for Mrs Barrass in the playground every Monday playtime. Many children have received a 'reading buddy' for book swapping for five weeks!

  • We have authors visits/webinars for authors to share their books and experiences to raise aspirations.

  • Books and author based topics are used throughout school and specific authors are looked at each half term.

  • The reading spine is used in all classes to expose children to a range of texts whilst also considering age related themes, the aim is for children to be exposed to these books at least twice a week during class story times.

  •  Staff read books or poetry to the children everyday to share a love for reading. 

  • World book day is celebrated every year.

Author focus

Foundation Stage 1 have been exposed to books by David McKee, Jez Alborough, Michael Rosen and Ian Whybrow 

Foundation Stage 2 have been exposed to books by Martin Waddell, Nick Butterworth, Jill Murphy, Eric Carle, Sue Hendra and Giles Andrea

Year 1 have been exposed to books by Julia Donaldson, Mick Inkpen,Janet and Alan Ahlberg, Babette Cole, Kes Gray and Tony Ross.

Year 2 have been exposed to books by Alex T Smith, Jeanne Willis, Anthony Brown, Malorie Blackman, Roald Dahl and Oliver Jeffers.

Useful Documents

Phonic Progression

The following links may be helpful for you:

TopMarks –  Games including punctuation, stories, spelling, reading, writing and phonics – what more could you need? Really useful spelling game for year 1 common words.

BBC Bitesize –  covers rhyming, spelling, phonics, punctuation and more in exciting games.

ICT Games – a huge selection of fun games on phonics, spelling, sentences and blending.

Phonics Play – is a popular phonics website used in school.

Phonics Bloom – is a popular phonics website used in school.

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